Endorsements and Reviews

Marshall-Goldsmith-TheThinkers50Summit2011-200 (1)
“This book can help you achieve what really matters – as a professional and a person. A great roadmap on your journey through life.”

Marshall Goldsmith
Executive coach and author of the New York Times bestseller What Got You Here Won’t Get You There and Succession: Are You Ready?

“The Inner Edge is a valuable resource for anyone who aspires to lead in a home, workplace, or community. It is filled with practical strategies for being a more effective leader.”

Tom Rath
Bestselling author of How Full Is Your Bucket?, StrengthsFinder 2.0, and Strengths Based Leadership

“In The Inner Edge, Joelle Jay walks her talk. At a time when the world clamors for genuine, trusted leadership, she has delivered an invaluable guidebook for managing from the inside out. Citing behaviors of high trust, high performance leaders, Joelle shows how to take the lead in your own life and sharpen that inner edge for true balance between a life of work and the work of life.”

Stephen M. R. Covey
Author of The New York Times bestseller The Speed of Trust

“The instrument of leadership is the self, and the mastery of the art of leadership comes from mastery of the self. That means that the quest for leadership is first an inner quest to discover who you are. That is the premise of Joelle Jay’s exciting new book, The Inner Edge, and in it she guides us on a path to discovering the self who leads. It’s an engaging, respectful, and encouraging book that presents real stories about real leaders who struggle with the answers to important leadership questions. She offers highly relevant and realistic examples of how we can all become the best we can be. With 10 practices that are intuitively sound and grounded firmly in the lives of leaders, Joelle offers useful advice and applied exercises on what we can each do develop our capacity to be successful in leadership and life.”

Jim Kouzes
Award-winning coauthor of the bestselling, The Leadership Challenge
Dean’s Executive Professor of Leadership
Leavey School of Business
Santa Clara University

“Really great leaders need to work on themselves. To be effective in this environment, we need to take care of who we are as leaders to sustain our well-being and effectiveness. In The Inner Edge, Joelle Jay helps define the leaders of the future, and this book will show them how to define themselves.”

Cece Sutton
President, Retail Banking Group
Morgan Stanley

“The Inner Edge is a good compendium of prescriptions for personal leadership. It is intelligently organized and has a workbook style that makes it a good self-study reference. The topic of personal leadership is significant and gets even more important with the generational challenges we will be facing in our workforce, as it provides a good way to combine our way of life with the demands we experience in the workplace.”

Randy MacDonald
Senior Vice President, Human Resources

“As a leader, you have to stay curious. You have to develop human capital. It’s one of the great investments. When leaders read The Inner Edge, they will be investing in themselves, and their companies will reap the rewards.”

Patrick Byrne
Chairman and CEO

“I’m a firm believer that even if you master all the leadership competencies and attributes that comprise every leadership model there is, you still can’t lead others until you lead yourself. We are all amazingly transparent and until people see who we are… and until we look inward ourselves, it’s all for naught if The Leader Within isn’t home. Joelle gives you the tools to find yourself and not let go.”

Steve Bailey
National Management Association

“In The Inner Edge, Joelle Jay shows how to connect how you make your living with how you live your life. The practices are significant enough to matter and simple enough to become a daily habit. The lessons learned from accomplished leaders are equally valuable to experienced and emerging leaders alike.”

Ann Oliveri
The Zen of Associations

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